If you have questions or comments please send them to rbronkema@gmail.com

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Best Offense

In sports there is a cliche that goes, "the best offense is a good defense."  In athletic context this is intended to describe the patience and lack of flash needed to win consistently in sports if a team pays attention to detail and has discipline.  Today I saw a different type of defense, a doctoral dissertation defense.  This defense required a completely different type of offense.

I would contend that successful doctoral study always involves keeping the end in mind.  This means that preparation for successful dissertation writing and defense should be a part of planning throughout graduate study.  This "offensive" proactive approach will contribute therein likely contribute to a good dissertation defense.  To me, having just seen my first defense there are some offensive strategies I plan to consider.  I am sure over time these will evolve and grow.

  1. Get to know the faculty and how they respond to dissertations.  Each faculty member reviews and critiques dissertations differently.  Understanding which of their assets and approaches compliment and improve your work is important.  Attending dissertation defenses is a way to watch dynamics a unfold to better inform committee decisions.
  2. With knowledge of consideration number one, I am going to make and effort to see all of the faculty in my department participate in a defense.  This will help me up my total knowledge of how they participate within a committee and how they might best positively challenge and push my work.
I am grateful that I took the opportunity to see a defense at this stage of my study.  I find myself more focused and aware of what the end goal is.  A focus that can only help my continued progress.

Remember that what lies ahead might be a challenge but it is worth every minute.

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